From Unknown News
The greatest screwjob ever
by Herb Ruhs, MD, Unknown News June 15, 2008
It happens in publicly traded corporations all the time, Enron being the most notorious example -- management goes rogue, cooks the books, and makes off with a fortune before anyone gets wise leading to bankruptcy, investor losses and job losses.
That is exactly what happened to USA Inc. Our treasury has been looted, taken to offshore banks with secret accounts, and we have been left with a mind-numbing debt that our great, great grandchildren will still be paying off.
That's the unnerving, crazymaking thing. In spite of the fact that we know the Bush/Cheney gang is looting the country to the last dime on the last credit card and rapidly going after every dollar of our money, which should be being spent on pressing needs like education, health and caring for our growing crowd of wounded vets, we can't get anything done about it! read