Admitted: Income Tax Never Properly Ratified
From What Really Happened.Com
Sullivan v USA
Posted Apr 9, 2008 04:50 PM PST Category: TAXES

A lot of people asked me to give this a more prominent link. This is a transcript from the court trial mentioned in Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism." On page 23 of this transcript, Judge James C. Fox admits that the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Amendment on which the income tax is based, was never properly ratified.

This is a rare admission for a Judge to make, given that the entire court system (including the Judge's salary) is funded from tax revenues, but in this case, the Judge states what we have known all along; when the relevant documents are actually examined, as opposed to the majority of Judges who simply declare the Amendment ratified by judicial fiat (a power and authority NOT granted to them under the Constitution), it cannot be demonstrated that the 16th amendment was ratified.

Now, as you fill out that 1040 form this week, just think about how the government lied to you about Saddam's "Nookular" bombs, and ask yourself if you trust the government to tell you the truth about the law that they claim allows them to take so much of your money.

"Fool me once..."